Professional Coaching and Consultation

Learn from us skills we have cultivated over many years of practice and advanced training.  Learn from our mistakes. Benefit from what our clients have taught us.  Take all of this into your own practice, and bring out the best in your clients – and in yourself.  

Who is it for?

These services are aimed at mental health professionals looking to obtain support and feedback to improve their practice and/or treatment outcomes.

How Do Supervision and Consultation Differ?

Excellent question.  When you are receiving supervision, your supervisor is responsible for you, your client, the treatment, and the outcomes. They are liable for you legally, and are in essence treating your client concurrently with you. Supervision is conducted from an hierarchical standpoint, and is usually provided by someone you would report to or consider a superior at regular intervals.

Consultation is similar to supervision in that you are receiving feedback on your cases, your approaches, and your outcomes; but it is a more peer like relationship and with less consultant side knowledge of your clients, as you will be sharing the minimum necessary to benefit your client.  Consultants can advise, but can not direct treatment like a supervisor can.  Consultation is a service received more on an as needed basis, and tends to be more specific.  A consultant is responsible to you, but not for you.  You are welcome to take from a consulting session anything you like, but you as the provider remain ultimately responsible, and legally liable, for the treatment of your clients.

Areas of Skill

Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions

If CBT is your preferred lens, we can help you build your skills and better apply them with your clients!

Ego State and Parts Work

Ego State and Parts Work interventions are excellent for clients whos pains are stored not in the places they think, but in the places they feel.  We can teach you how to get “parts” working together, and help your clients better help themselves!

Rapport Building

Do your clients struggle in feeling close to or in trusting you?  Are there clients you feel like you dread seeing? Does it feel like services have plateaued?  Let us help you get unstuck!

Parenting Strategies

There are so many texts and programs on parenting!  We would be happy to share with you what we have learned the hard way, and what our clients have reported back to us about what actually works!

Trauma Interventions

It goes without saying, trauma work is hard work.  Trauma focused services tend to take time, especially when there are attachment wounds to be addressed.  This is an area we shine best at.  Let us be a fresh set of eyes, and help you go back into your trauma work feeling confident and adequately equipped for the journey ahead. 

Self Care

Vicarious trauma is real.  Compassion fatigue is real. Burnout is subtle and insidious.  Working full time in our profession can and will result in one if not all of these ails.  We can help.  You can not give what you do not have.  Let us coach you on how to cope with and overcome these barriers to treatment.